Learn Traditional Usui Reiki, to enhance your life and the lives of others

Traditional Usui Reiki

Originated in Japan by Master Usui in the early 1900’s, this Healing Modality has been used all over the world. Thomas offers all 3 Levels of Reiki in a 12 week virtual classroom.

Perhaps you’re here because you want to learn to heal yourself and others, & work with energy. Maybe you’re seeking a means to bring balance to your life, and to release suffering

Deep down inside… you know that there is something more

And you’re looking for something new and real

That is truth and light in action

We believe, you are so much more:

  • You are infinitely connected to a Universal Energy Source
  • Your mind can work cohesively with your highest self
  • You have inside of you a compass to direct you to exactly where your path is meant to be
  • You have the ability to communicate openly, with ease, without doubt, stress, or anxiety
  • Your best self is available to you right now
  • You can easily understand how and why you feel the way your feeling, and can ease the turmoil

We believe, you just haven’t been given the opportunity to understand all that you are

And we’re here to help you dive into that connection.

We believe…

You have untapped abilities and potential, to help yourself and others. You can begin to change the world.

You can experience…



Inner Peace

A Stronger Connection to your Intuition

Deep Relaxation

Clarity and focus Healing

The first step in the this Journey, is to trust yourself

You’re here for a reason, and from our perspective, there are no coincidences

We believe you are here because you have been led here by your intuition. You know you there is more for you to learn.

We’re here to guide you just as we were guided down the path of expansion & healing

Meet Your Healers

Thomas and Janette O’Neill Burns

Tom and Janette are a family of Reiki Masters and Energy Healers, who use Reiki and Ascension Healing, Touch Therapy, Sound Healing, Energetic Coaching, Crystals, and Custom Hand-made jewelry to aid with your mental health and spiritual well-being, clearing any energetic blockages that are preventing you from being everything that you are.

Being on their own individual spiritual journeys’ in the past decade, always knowing there was more, when 2020 hit, they used this as an opportunity to step into their purpose.

As a birthday gift from Janette, Tom received a reiki session that would forever change his life, that would open him up to a whole new world of spiritual depth, connection, and understanding. And lead him to create his own healing modality, Platinum Light Healing.

And shortly afterward, Janette founded Jupiter Meridian, with her daughter, Jayden, an organization designed to connect individuals back to their soul and energetic being

Their modalities of healing have led them on a purpose to use the light of source to heal and expand the souls of each individual they come into contact with.


If you’re ready to step into your most divine self, here’s how we can help you

Pick Your Journey

Already have 1 or 2 Reiki Levels or just want to start with level 1 ?

Free Training

The Power of Your Chakras and how to Bring Them into Alignment with Your Most Divine Self

A Deep Dive into Each of the Dimensions of Life

Listen to the Podcast

Energetic Armour

with Thomas and Janette O’Neill Burns

The #1 Podcast to discover the secrets to living a spiritually charged life and embody this powerful connection to Source as your guiding light.