
Extrasensory Self

A Mastermind in Psychic Abilities & Mediumship

Unlock Your Extrasensory Potential

Are you curious about developing your psychic and mediumship abilities, but not sure where to start?

Do you feel a calling to deepen your connection with the spirit realm?

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth with our comprehensive 12-month Psychic and Mediumship Skill Development Course.

Ready to take the next step on your Spiritual journey?

The 12 Month Psychic/Mediumship Skill Development Course is a comprehensive program that aims to provide individuals with practical applications of psychic and mediumship abilities. If you’re looking to develop and strengthen your existing skills and abilities, our program is designed to meet your needs.

Our course is unique in that it introduces individuals to the various “claires,” or psychic senses, and teaches them how to work with and understand their sixth sense. We believe that everyone has psychic and mediumship abilities, and our program is designed to help individuals develop and hone their skills in a supportive and collaborative environment.

By the end of our 12-month course, individuals will notice a significant improvement in the accuracy and clarity of their psychic and mediumship abilities, as well as a newfound confidence in their skills.

Connect more deeply with your intuition

Develop your psychic & mediumship abilities.

Unlock your innate psychic and mediumship abilities and enhance your intuition beyond your imaginable limits!

Understanding and work with your 6th sense (ESP)

Mastering and harnessing your sixth sense (ESP) to unlock its full potential.

Learn how to communicate with spirits and receive messages from the other side.

Unlock the mystery of channeling with spirits and discover the art of receiving insightful messages from beyond the veil.

Enhance your energy healing skills and learn how to use them in conjunction with your psychic and mediumship abilities.

Enhance your energy healing abilities and discover how to seamlessly incorporate them into your natural psychic and mediumistic talents.

Exercises for developing the “Claires,” Clairvoyant (To see), Clairaudient (To hear), Clairesentient (To Feel), Clairecognizant (To Know), Clairalience (To Smell), Clairgustance (To taste)

Unlock your inner senses with exercises to awaken your claires.

Connect more deeply with your intuition and learn how to trust your inner guidance.

Experience a stronger connection with your intuition and discover the art of relying on your inner wisdom.

So let’s take a look at what you’ll learn in this program…

This course is designed for individuals who are passionate about expanding their psychic abilities and exploring the realms beyond our physical existence.

Module 1: Introduction to Psychic Mediumship

This module will introduce students to the world of psychic mediumship and how it works. Students will learn about the different types of spiritual abilities and how they can be used to connect with spirits.

Module 3: Developing Psychic Abilities

This module will provide students with exercises and techniques for developing their own psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance.

Module 5: Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels

Here, students will learn about spirit guides and guardian angels and how they assist in providing guidance and protection.

Module 2: Understanding the Spiritual Realm

In this module, students will explore the spiritual realm and learn about the various dimensions, spirits, and entities that exist within it. They will also gain knowledge on how these entities influence our lives.

Module 4: The Art of Mediumship

In this module, students will learn how to connect and communicate with spirits of the deceased. They will also learn about the importance of setting boundaries and how to protect their energy.

Module 6: Astral Projection and Time Travel

With this module, students will gain an understanding of astral projection and time travel, how it works and how to use this ability to explore the spiritual realm.

Module 7: Past Life Regression

This module will introduce students to past life regression, how to facilitate it as professionals, and how it helps to heal past life trauma and offer insights for the present life.

Module 9: Channeling

In this module, we will learn skills needed to channel spirits, spiritual healers, and higher consciousness and utilize these connections to assist others.

Module 11: Sensing the Truth

This module will train students on how to spot and decipher lies, read auras, read body language, and detect the real motives behind the words.

Module 8: Psychic Protection

In this module, we will learn the importance of psychic protection and techniques such as grounding, shielding, and clearing to protect themselves from negative energies and entities.

Module 10: Dream Interpretation

In this module, students will learn how to interpret dreams and their significance in one’s spiritual journey.

Module 12: Professional Practice

This module will introduce strategies and tools for building a professional practice, marketing the services provided as psychic mediums.

Access a Wealth of Resources

Anytime, Anywhere!

Live Group Sessions

Interact with me and other students in real-time during live Zoom sessions. Ask questions, share experiences, and receive personalized guidance and support (2 Weeks per month)

Monthly Workbooks

Receive a comprehensive workbook each month that supplements the live sessions and provides additional material to support your learning.

Audiobook & Video Instructions

Follow along with a captivating audiobook and engaging videos that provide in-depth insights and guidance into the development of your extrasensory self.

You’ll Also Receive ongoing support and guidance throughout your journey

Live Online Classes

Participate in bi- weekly live video classes where you’ll receive in-depth teachings, practical exercises, and demonstrations from the instructor. Interact with fellow students and have your questions answered in real time

Community Engagement

Gain exclusive access to our online community – a sanctuary for kindred spirits to come together, exchange stories, and gain inspiration from one another. Here, encouragement and personal development thrive in a nurturing and supportive space. Let’s create, learn, and grow together!

Practice Opportunities

Engage in regular practice exercises, partner activities, and group sessions to refine your skills and build confidence in your abilities. Learn to trust your intuition and expand your connection with the spirit realm.


Receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course, recognizing your dedication and achievement in developing your psychic and mediumship skills.

These are just a few examples of the ongoing support and guidance you can expect when you enroll in our Extrasensory Self Program. Our commitment to your growth and success extends beyond the 12 months of the course, as we aim to create a lifelong community of learners who continue to support each other on their spiritual journeys.

Hi there, I’m Thomas Burns!

For over 10 years, I’ve been a passionate practitioner and guide in the field of energy work, Reiki, and intuitive development. I believe that we all have the capacity to access our innate gifts of intuition and communication with the spirit realm, and I’m excited to help you tap into your own unique potential in this area.

Throughout the course, I’ll be your guide and mentor as we embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Drawing on my extensive experience and expertise, I’ll provide you with the tools, techniques, and support you need to deepen your understanding of energy, develop your psychic and mediumship abilities, and deliver accurate and healing messages.

As an intuitive guide, I’ve helped countless individuals tap into their innate gifts and find clarity, healing, and direction in their lives. I’m dedicated to creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment where all students feel comfortable and empowered to explore their psychic and mediumship abilities.

Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience in psychic or mediumship work, I’m here to help you unlock your full potential and embrace your unique gifts. I look forward to getting to know you and supporting you on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts

Embark on this life-changing journey today and open the doors to a deeper understanding of the unseen world.

This program is for those with intermediate abilities and have some experience in psychic or mediumship work, this course offers a transformative experience that will empower you to embrace your unique gifts. Those who have completed our Reiki Certification or our Energetic Foundations Course, have the requirements for participation in this program.

Enrolling in this course is an investment in your spiritual growth and personal development. You’ll gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to use your psychic and mediumship abilities in your personal life and in service to others. Plus, you’ll become part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for spiritual growth and development.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded spiritual seekers, enhance your spiritual journey, and unlock your full potential as a psychic and medium.

If you’re ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and skill development, sign up now for our 12 Month Psychic & Mediumship Skill Development Course.

We look forward to working with you!